
Becoming a Nerd

We Need You

All you have to do is want to make a difference and become a NERD. 

As a part of our mission to donate computers to graduating seniors who are continuing their education in the fall, we need organizations to help facilitate these donations. It is best for us to collaborate with a nonprofit that is already working with an under-served teen population. An organization who knows exactly which teens in their community come from environments where they need extra support. Where they do not have the finances to buy a computer for college.

Financial Donor

From desktops and laptops to tablets and other electrical devices, we are able to bridge the technological divide!

In-Kind tech services

See how we are able to offer free tech support to the recipients of all donated technology!

5 + 2 =

Reach Us

Let us show you how reaching out and connecting with us could benefit our communities.
1614 W Newport Pike
Wilmington, DE 19804
(302) 283-9871

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