The NerdiT Foundation

Providing communities with technology: One touch, click and discovery at a time!


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Donating over 100 computers, each year since 2016

From 2015-2018 we donated over 100 computers, each year to our communities. As we expand, we have been receiving help from donors all around the world, in order to provide higher quality machines for longer lasting technological experiences.

Making an Impact Across the Globe

NerdiT Now has not only been able to make a technological connection in the United States, but we have gone international, with donating computers to Africa as well. We are looking to expand our efforts to communities in Philadelphia, in the coming year.


Community Involvement

Volunteers & Donors

Computers Donated

In-Kind Services

Donations by way of in-kind services are essential for nonprofit success. There is an array of services/products that would be beneficial to the organization.

Tech Hosts

There are two types of technology hosts.

Option 1: Lab Host

Option 2: Student Support Organization


In order for The Foundation to thrive, we need volunteer support from people who are willing to help our communities.

Sponsors & Donors

Featured Donations

For The NERDiT Foundation to accomplish its goals, our four partnership types have made it easier to help work with communities in bridging the technological divide.

NerdiT Statistics 




Becoming leaders in the Community

NerdiT Foundation has been creating the way for small technological businesses such as our counter part NerdiT Now to bring tech to communities near you


  • Partnership with NerdiT Now
  • Mentoring Youth
  • Entrepreneurship 

Exec Team

Meet the faces responsible for bringing NerdiT Foundation into fruition. Each board member comes from different backgrounds and have different skills that contributes to making the Foundation what it has grown to become.

Jake Voorhees

Jake Voorhees

Board Member

Jasmine Morton-T

Jasmine Morton-T

Board Member

Markevis Gideon

Markevis Gideon

Board Member

Tyler Reynolds

Tyler Reynolds

Board Member

Donation Specs

Below are the various tiers to show the type of computer your donation could supply to the next community, in helping us bridge the technological gap

Reach Us

Let us show you how reaching out and connecting with us could benefit our communities.
1614 W Newport Pike
Wilmington, DE 19804
(302) 283-9871

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