Getting Involved

Becoming a part of NerdiT Nation 


What we stand for

We believe in empowering underserved communities. By donating computers we don’t expect each individual to become a tech genius, but if it can be a step towards gaining the tools necessary to study in school, apply to a job/college, or simply connect with long lost relatives, we believe that everyone should be afforded the opportunity to have technology in their lives! 

Technological Host

From desktops and laptops to tablets and other electrical devices, we are able to bridge the technological divide!

In-Kind tech services

See how we are able to offer free tech support to the recipients of all donated technology!


We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to understand technology.

global outreach

See how we are able to donate computers not only in our backyards but as far as Ghana Africa!

future nerdS

Learn about our Mentor program that is focused towards creating Future NERDs!

Financial Donor

From desktops and laptops to tablets and other electrical devices, we are able to bridge the technological divide!


Willingminton, Delaware

Reach Us

Let us show you how reaching out and connecting with us could benefit our communities.
1614 W Newport Pike
Wilmington, DE 19804
(302) 283-9871

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